WP7 - Dissemination and Training

Wp Leader: Paulo P. Monteiro

The global objective of WP7 is to promote the dissemination activities and outcomes generated by the consortium. The strategy for the dissemination and exploitation of the SOCA results will include matters on scientific and technical know-how (in cooperation with the technical workpackages), commercial and industrial evaluations, and intellectual property assessment. Participation at forums, exhibitions and meetings will also be explored for the exploitation of the results.

The SOCA foreseen the dissemination through high visibility scientific and technical conferences and journal papers, international meeting and workshops. Furthermore, the project will be publicized through a public website, updated periodically during the project with new outcomes and important achievements, and through marketing material, such as brochures and posters.

This WP has two major tasks:

Data Milestones Description
2017-10-16 Dissemination (M1-M36) Most of the activities identified in the Dissemination Plan (section 5) will be coordinated inside this task. In the course of this task, SOCA will first of all produce dissemination and communication plan that will be a living document updated throughout project life time and will define dissemination strategy for the project. Different approaches will be employed to disseminate SOCA ideas and research and to promote the awareness of its progress. Specifically, the following activities are foreseen for SOCA worldwide dissemination: ยท Project presentation package, containing presentation material like a leaflet, a poster and an overview presentation as well as a project web site will be designed to disseminate project concepts and objectives. The project web page will be updated regularly and it will include information about concepts, vision, objectives and expected outcomes as well as public documents, derived from the project work. Publications of papers in magazines and journals: publishing of scientific papers in internationally acknowledged refereed magazines and journals, such as IEEE journals or magazines. Organisation of external public workshops: SOCA anticipates the organization of an external public workshops, facilitating the effective communication within the research and non-research community. Organisation of a public day: Another event of high importance for dissemination, will be the organization of a public day at the end of the project, to show the trial, with the technology developed running on a real environment. Exploitation, and intellectual property assessment: SOCA will carry out an active approach towards exploitation of project results and protect novel applications and services, with patenting where appropriate. This task will have to coordinate with task 6.2, as the Open Interface activities (which can be viewed as dissemination strategies with engineering technical focus) will need to be coupled with specific dissemination strategies. A concept paper will be elaborated in task 7.1 as a way to publicly disseminate a unified vision of the SOCA concept, initial findings and up to date specifications of the demonstrator, and to synchronize objectives and tasks across the whole project.
2017-10-16 Training (M3-M36) This task will consist on the usage of the facilities provided by the whole infrastructure, and in particular of the features available through task 6.2, in order to improve students knowledge on the area of smart city and assisted living aspects. Two major work lines will be explored. One will push opportunities for SOCA to be linked to the several degrees inside UA, and in particular its different Ph.D. degrees (in Electrotechnical, Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering); master courses may be also involved. The Open Interface nature of SOCA will make this link a very interesting one for several classes on these graduate courses. The second work line will develop a Summer/Winter School around the overall objectives and technologies of SOCA. SOCA will identify several technological areas, on which topics summer/winter schools (at least one, but potentially more) will be organized and invitations/promotions of such schools will be disseminated at relevant technical events as well as published on the website. These will be international Schools, that will also contribute to a higher visibility of the innovation performed in the project.